All posts tagged 'Reader Reviews!'

Reader Review: Tokyo Xanadu EX+ (PS4)

Last year I reviewed a game called Tokyo Xanadu.  I didn’t really like the game all that much, but one of my brothers showed a keen interest in it.  So when the EX+ version of it came out and I got a review code for it, I decided to let him take a stab at it, so here is my brother Ben Woodman’s review of Tokyo Xanadu EX+ for PS4.


Reader Review: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)

My brother Ben really enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles 2.  So much so that he asked to review it here.  Sounds like a good idea to me!  Click here to check it out!


Reader Review: Bad Apple Wars (Vita)

A few months ago, I reviewed a visual novel game from Aksys and didn’t fare too well.  So when they sent me another one, I decided to let my brother Benjamin Woodham review it.  So here’s his take on Bad Apple Wars for Vita.


Reader Review: Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (PS4)

Recently I got a review code for Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma on PS4.  I don’t really know much about the series, and it didn’t really interest me at all, so I thought I’d change things up a bit and have one of my younger brothers, Benjamin Woodham, review the game for me.  He even changed things up a bit more and wrote the Kid Factor first instead of last.  But sometimes it’s good to change things up a bit so we’re going to keep it that way this one time!  Anyway, be sure to click here and check out his review!  –Cary


Reader Review: Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (Vita)

SHIREN_BOXMy good friend Leroy Capasso has helped me review some games here at in the past.  He also loves dungeon crawlers, so I figured he’d be best suited to review this one.  The Shiren the Wanderer series was one of the first to start the dungeon crawler craze, and if you like anything “Mystery Dungeon’ related, you’ll definitely want to check out his review her


Reader Review: Style Savvy: Fashion Forward (3DS)

STYLE_BOXStyle Savvy is a fashion designer video game published by Nintendo.  The newest entry in the series, Fashion Forward, was recently released on 3DS.  Ali Capasso, a good friend of mine and also an accomplished elementary school teacher, reviewed this game for me.  She’s also the wife of Leroy Capasso, another very good friend of mine who has written reviews here for me before.  Anyway, Ali is a huge fan of the Style Savvy games, so you’ll definitely want to click here to read her review!


Reader Review: Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls‏ (PS Vita)

DANGAN_BOXWell this is unexpected! The Danganronpa games have always been story-driven interactive visual novels, and my friend Leroy really liked them so I him review this one, too. Turns out this one is a third-person shooter! Uh oh! I hope my friend still liked it! Find out in his review!


Reader Review: Undertale (PC)

UNDERTALE_BOXI used to love RPGs as a kid in the 16-bit days, but I have a hard time getting into them anymore since they mostly have long and meandering 80-hour plots and overly complicated gameplay. It’s nice to know that others feel that way, too, like my friend Robbie Allen. He reviewed this RPG that sounds really fun, and not like today’s typical RPGs. So check out his review of Undertale, a downloadable game on Steam!


Reader Review: Final Dusk (PC)

DUSK_BOXOctober is the perfect month for silly spooky Halloween games, so here’s a review by my friend Robbie Allen. It’s a downloadable PC title called Final Dusk, and in it you play as a vampire girl as she sets out to save her family from a witch who turned them all into stone! Check it out!


Reader Review: Daemon Detective Gaiden (PC)

DAEMON_BOXDaemon Detective Gaiden is a downloadable PC game that pays homage to classic 8- and 16-bit 2-D platformers that were all the rage back then. My good friend Robbie Allen reviewed this game, so check out what he thought of it by clicking here!
