GamerDad & BBC Radio

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) first contacted me about a year into my doing GamerDad. The interview went well, but there was obvious doubt and hostility from the other end and the piece they ran emphasized the “being careful” part of my argument but used “games can’t be good for you”, which isn’t my philosophy. Last September a nice journalist from BBC Radio contacted me about doing a pro-gaming/pro-family thing.  And that we’d get to be on the Radio in Britain!They sent us a microphone, a minidisc recorder, and told us to play games and talk about them as a family.  Criminally she used NOTHING from Henry – who is hilarious – and she used more from another website owners family. Anyway, it’s short as heck, give it a listen and hear the family you keep reading about!  It’s linked or embeded on the next page!

We are super-high tech here.  What I did was film a pillow – got a little silly – as the audio they sent me played. I prefer having that URL there.


No Responses to “GamerDad & BBC Radio”

  1. Dang, thats a cool pillow!

  2. It’s the British Broadcasting Corporation, not the British Broadcasting Company.

    Just wanted to point that out.

  3. Fixed

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