Batman Arkham Revisited

Batman Arkham Asylum is one of the best games ever made, period. I knew that while playing it and while voting for it in various Game of the Year articles. I’m very excited about Arkham City. I knew I wanted more. But absence, time, and mediocre games can dull the memory a bit and I decided to do something I almost never, and never really could, do. I’m playing a game a second time.

The gamers in the room just gasped, but it’s true. When you play games for a living, that’s your job – and nobody likes to work during their off-time. (Well, I did, but I stuck to simulations and strategy – non-narrative and replayable games).

My opinion stays the same. This is a remarkable game. Addictive combat, a compelling story with truly awesome voice acting. Mark Hamill’s Joker, Conroy’s Batman and the girl who played Harley playing Harley  are perfect. These roles are old news to these voice actors, which makes certain that the line readings are as in character as possible.

Best and oddest of all for me, I like the puzzles and the way Batman moves, the way his gadgets work, makes busy work like collecting trophies and solving Riddles (the Riddler, in a lot of ways, makes this game and is it’s most interesting villain (even if he’s offscreen the whole time).

In two days I’m 75% in, which sort of ruins my plan of playing through slowly to help the long wait for Arkham City — on, what? October 18th? Hmmm… maybe play it a third time? Nah.

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