Play the Uncharted 2 PS3 Beta Courtesy of GamerDad & Goozex

uncharted2Have you been itching to get your hands on the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer Beta? Look no further! Thanks to Sony and Goozex we are able to offer 5 Beta Codes to GamerDad readers!

Here is some info from Sony:
If you’re ready to return to the dangerous but thrilling world of
UNCHARTED, we have an invitation for you: We’d like you to join the
opportunity for readers like you, and you can’t share
this beta Invitation Code with anyone else. It’s all yours-so enjoy your
special access and privileges.
Things you need to know:
o The UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer beta is by invitation
only, and space is limited-SO IF YOU WANT IN, ACT NOW!
o Each participant will be assigned a unique code allowing him or
her access to the multiplayer beta. This is the only way to participate.
o Each Beta Invitation Code is unique to the person to whom it’s
assigned. In other words, you cannot post this information or share your
code and invitation in any way with anyone else.
o The code can be used only once. You will not be able to receive
another code if you share your code with others.
o The Beta will be available from 06/03 -06/28, US ONLY. Sorry.

Carefully follow the instructions below and use your Beta Invitation
Code to retrieve the UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer Beta. Print
a copy of this page or write down your Beta Invitation Code for
GAMEPLAY AVAILABLE: June 03-June 28, 2009
UNCHARTED 2 Voucher Redemption Instructions:
1. This code may be redeemed using the PlayStation(r)Store on the
PLAYSTATION(r)3 system
2. Create an account on the PlayStation(r)Network (or log-in to
PlayStation(r)Network using an existing account).
3. From the PlayStation(r)Network icon on the XMB(tm) (Xross Media
Bar), select ‘PlayStation(r)Store’ (not applicable on the PC).
4. Select the ‘Redeem Codes’ icon located in the upper right of the
screen. Enter code and click ‘Continue’.
5. The product will be available for download on the next screen.

Please note that the code is case sensitive and must be entered exactly
as displayed.

How to Win?

Two steps here:
– First, post here a link to your favorite article at GamerDad’s Blog – it can be by any author, but can’t currently be on the front page.
– Second, send me (txa1265) a Private Message on the GamerDad forums. Yes, that means you need a forum account.
The first 5 folks to do that win!

About Goozex:

If you are someone who is looking to get more value from your gaming dollar, you really owe it to yourself to check out Goozex, the premier game trading site based around the concept that we all love to play games, none of us like paying too much, but we would rather not deal with the hassles of typical used game and trading sites.

The Goozex system is based on points and trade tokens – to get a game from another user you need one token and a number of points based on the used game’s value and its’ supply & demand. You earn points by sending out games to other users. It is simple and inexpensive and a great way to extend your gaming dollar in these uncertain economic times!

No Responses to “Play the Uncharted 2 PS3 Beta Courtesy of GamerDad & Goozex”

  1. my fav article was this one

  2. We have our first winner! PM sent

  3. yayyyy thanks dude

  4. heres my link


  6. my article sir

  7. article here


    Too late?

  9. I scared up a couple of extras … keep trying your luck!

  10. Awesome idea Mike, I’m glad you guys like those articles, I like ’em too!

  11. do you still have anymore codes?

  12. James – just sent you one!

  13. thanks a lot cant wait to get playing

  14. Hi not being greedy or anything as I don’t need another code (btw games amazing) but I would really like to play the co op with my friend. Reason i’m asking is because I want to give him it as a semi-b’day gift as too broke to get him a present and I know he would love this. Do you have any more left and if a task needs to be done to get it I will gladly do it. Thanks again for the code gamerdad and gooze

  15. Sent – and that is it … I had been able to grab a bunch more codes (running this at a couple of sites) but now they are all gone! Thanks again to all!

  16. Hi have you got any codes left?
    My favourite article is

  17. Can i pleease have a beta code. I preordered Infamous but my code doesnt work. And Naughty Dog or Amazon wont do anything;-(

  18. Heres my article-
    can i please please have one

  19. I think I was clear … “now they are all gone”. Sorry.

  20. Hiya lol…. Can i have a code please been trying to get one for awhile now

  21. None left? 🙁

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