Washington Post & GamerDad
Dads Still Got Game – a WaPo article. The Washington Post newspaper called me up a few days ago and I had a lovely conversation with reporter Donna St. George. Her article appeared in their Sunday edition and that means I can link to it now. Free registration might be required.
The 411 on 420
4/20 has a very special significance here in GamerDad land. Very special indeed, and for many reasons. And not the one you might be thinking about. You’ll have to go to CrispyGamer to find out more. It’s worth the trip. Ladies and Gentlemen: The 411 on 420 in this issue of GamerParenting! (This column actually ran last year at CrispyGamer.com)
Dave Arneson D&D’s Other Founder
Dave Arneson is “The Father of Role-Playing” – it says so on his business card (which I still have). He’s famous but kind of got a raw deal. He was part of the original group who created Dungeons & Dragons. He created the first supplement (Blackmoor – I have an original copy) and the combat board game, Chainmail. Unfortunately he got squeezed out (that’s Gygax’s term), Arneson said “forced otut” to me and there was a decade or two of rivalry and bitterness. I first met Dave Arneson at Gen Con in 2002, . .
GamerDad & BBC Radio
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) first contacted me about a year into my doing GamerDad. The interview went well, but there was obvious doubt and hostility from the other end and the piece they ran emphasized the “being careful” part of my argument but used “games can’t be good for you”, which isn’t my philosophy. Last September a nice journalist from BBC Radio contacted me about doing a pro-gaming/pro-family thing. And that we’d get to be on the Radio in Britain! more…
GamerDad, the PTA & ESRB II
In April of 2008 GamerDad (me) teamed up with President of the National Parent Teacher Association Jan Domme (PTA)and the President of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board Patricia Vance (ESRB) to produce a booklet, a couple web segments (with an ultra cheesy host), and a “webinar.” The Booklet is linked to the right. Here’s the second segment (I’m on after the ladies)! more…
What They Play’s Games of ’08
What were the best games of 2008? Well, I got the chance to contribute to the What They Play roundup because I’m a columnist. My picks? OVERALL: Left 4 Dead FAMILY: Boom Blox. But what did the other experts over there pick? Lots of stuff. Here’s the article starting with founder John Davison and then moving on to me! Click it. Come back. Or, click inside and see all the picks and talk about ’em. I know I will!
The MLA ’08 Librarian Convention
Last week Thursday (11/20) I took my speech down to Mississippi to talk to the grassroots. I’ve spoken at PAX, I’ve been on the radio and TV, I’ve been published anywhere, but I think I did the most GOOD last Thursday than in the 5.5 years of GamerDad previous. Think about it. I preached the good word about videogames, gave the best advice I have, and inspired over 400 librarians from tiny libraries across Mississippi to open their minds to electronic gaming. These librarians will convince parents, who will spread it to teachers, and so on, and so on, and so on. Thank you MLA, I had a wonderful time and your enthusiasm is infectious. Also, don’t challenge a librarian to Wii bowling lightly… they might surprise you. READ MORE…
GamerDad & the BBC
BBC Radio contacted me earlier this month wanting to do a “citizen journalism” story on GamerDad. They sent a minidisc and I recorded close to a half hour of me, the kids, and GamerMom chatting about games and playing them. They want us to contribute some video and pictures and I’ll be sure to link to that when it all goes online. Ah yes, GamerDad, big in London town. Really, really big in old London town.
The GamerParents of PAX
I shopped this around but it was held and deemed too personal by one site – deemed now out of date by other sites – which is why I never write on spec. But this needed to be written. Some of you know this remarkable story but maybe people will link it around some. It’s a great tale and all about GamerDad and my special relationship with Penny-Arcade, Child’s Play Charity, and PAX.
Retro: GD Interviewed in the Dallas Morning News